Benton hot springs
Benton hot springs

benton hot springs

dbc:Census-designated_places_in_Mono_County, – jednostka osadnicza w Stanach Zjednoczonych, w stanie Kalifornia, w hrabstwie Mono.Molte delle costruzioni originali ancora rimangono e la città non è mai completamente morta. Benton era una piccola città mineraria che raggiunse nell'epoca d'oro i 5000 abitanti. Si trova a 3 miglia (4.8 km) est nordest di Benton Hot Springs e 32 miglia (51 km) nord di Bishop ad un'altitudine di 5387 piedi, pari a 1642 m.Nel 2000 gli abitanti erano 196. Benton, chiamata anche Benton Station, è un'area non incorporata nella Contea di Mono in California.

benton hot springs

En 2020, elle compte une population de 279 habitants.

  • Benton est une census-designated place du comté de Mono, dans l'État de Californie, aux États-Unis.
  • 280 biztanle ditu, 73,823177 eta 73,823178 kilometro koadroko azaleran banatuta. Mono konderrian dago, Kalifornia estatuan.
  • Benton Ameriketako Estatu Batuetako erroldak esleitutako leku bat da.
  • En el año 2010 tenía una población de 280 habitantes.​ (es)
  • Benton es un lugar designado por el censo ubicado en el condado de Mono en el estado estadounidense de California.
  • The 160 acre (65 hectare) Benton Paiute Reservation, with about 50 full-time residents, is in the southwest part of the CDP, less than a mile south of Benton Hot Springs. Many of the original buildings remain, and the town has never completely died. It was once a small mining town with up to 5,000 inhabitants.

    #Benton hot springs code#

    Benton is in area codes 442 and 760 and ZIP code 93512. The population of the CDP was 279 at the 2020 census. It includes the unincorporated communities of Benton and Benton Hot Springs and is 32 miles (51 km) north of the community of Bishop, at an elevation of 5,387 feet (1,642 m). Benton (formerly Benton Station) is a census-designated place (CDP) in Mono County, California, United States.

    Benton hot springs