Scholarly suggestions also claim that the valknut may have been a ritual tattoo that berserkers -warriors who mocked death in battle by wearing minimal armor and fighting with wild, reckless abandon- wore to declare that their death-in-battle is a sort of sel-commission to their patron god, Odin. All surviving representations of it (see Hammar’s stone, and the 13th century Heimskringla) in rockwork carvings and later literature see the valknut as an emblem of sacral death, a marking to be placed upon a victim who is soon to be offered to Odin. The knot is not much on warding off evil or functioning as a charm for good luck. Victims (often criminals, or, more often, prisoners of war i.e., warriors captured from opposing armies) were either branded with, painted with, or had inscribed into their flesh the valknut (ON: val- death, sacrifice, slaughter + knut- knot). The Valknut is a Germanic/Scandinavian symbol associated with ritualistic human sacrifice to Odin, the Norse god of war (known as Woden in prehistoric Germania, or Woten in Anglo-Saxon England). Its design is so unique, its look appealing and its meaning to me looks to represent a certain type of connectivity of everything, infinity and immortality. To me the Valknut is one of the most powerful viking symbols.

The Valknut symbol modernly can be seen in many artworks around the world, in tattoos and jewelry.

While the exact meaning of Valknut is unsure, however it is believed and indicated to symbolise the connectedness of the nine worlds represented in the vikings world.Īnother belief for the Valknut symbol meaning was as a aid for reincarnation, cyclical relationships and in talismans to ward against evil.Ībove – Odin with Sleipnir – Valknuts seen beneath the horse. In many images it can be seen as a representation of Odin and the afterlife. The Valknut is a powerful old Norse viking occult symbol represented by the three interlocking triangles. Whereas the borromean Valknut symbol to the right shows three separate, but still connected triangles showing what appears to be a bond on three levels. The Valknut universal symbol as can be seen below is very unique in that it entwines the three triangles in such a way that it is very similar to a symbol of infinity. Each one can be seen in stone artwork, historic documents or even on old norse weapons. Two main formations of Valknut can be seen in History : either as Borromean (to the right below), or unicursal (to the left below).